
The 50th Silicon Symposium will be held May 13-15, 2019 in Columbia, SC at the USC Alumni Center. Tom Schmedake from UNC Charlotte and myself, Sheryl Wiskur from the University of South Carolina are the co-organizers this year. This is a long running annual symposium that changes location each year, and covers silicon topics ranging from materials to unique silicon compounds to asymmetric chemistry, and any research that involves silicon is welcome. 

Registration and abstract submission for the 50th Silicon Symposium is now open. Please check out our website. We have extended the abstract deadline to March 1. We hope to see you there.

Sheryl L. Wiskur, PhD
Associate Professor
University of South Carolina

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
공지 2025년 (사)한국실리콘학회 행사 안내 2024.12.12 12
공지 2024년 (사)한국실리콘학회 행사 안내 2024.01.09 903
공지 로그인 및 결제 관련 자주 묻는 질문 (FAQ) 2012.11.27 139184
107 ASiS-7 at Nanyang Technological University - Registration Fee Payment (Second Circular) 2019.04.24 5178
106 [운영위원회] 2019-05-10(금) 17:00 학회사무실 file 2019.04.24 3569
105 한국실리콘학회 행사 안내 2019.03.09 45334
104 7th Asian Silicon Symposium (ASiS-7) at Nanyang Technological University 2019.03.08 4545
» Silicon Symposium Abstract Deadline Extension file 2019.02.25 3694
102 [운영위원회] 2019-03-08(금) 17:00 학회사무실 file 2019.02.21 2861
101 [이사회] 2019-02-14(목) 12:00 한림대학교 캠퍼스라이프센터 file 2019.01.22 3004
100 [총회] 제8회 한국실리콘학회 총회 안내 file 2019.01.14 3609
99 2019년 신년인사 file 2019.01.13 3839
98 홈페이지 서버 해킹 피해에 대한 공지 2018.12.19 3243
97 [운영위원회] 2019-01-04(금) 16:00 학회사무실 file 2018.12.17 3533
96 [이사회] 2019-01-04(금) 17:00 학회사무실 file 2018.12.17 3639
95 50th Silicon Symposium 2019 2018.12.17 6115
94 개인정보처리방침 변경 공지 2018.11.26 3678
93 [운영위원회] 2018-12-07(금) 16:30 학회사무실 file 2018.11.26 3928
92 [이사회] 2018-12-07(금) 17:30 학회사무실 file 2018.11.26 3569
91 [운영위원회] 2018-11-09(금) 12:30 대전 꽁뚜 file 2018.10.26 3960
90 [운영위원회] 2018-09-14(금) 17:00 학회사무실 file 2018.08.27 3846
89 [이사회] 2018-09-14(금) 17:00 학회사무실 file 2018.08.27 5347
88 [KORASI]제14회 Korea Silicone Symposium file 2018.08.06 5151
