About the International Symposium on Applied Silicon Chemistry
ISASC-1 October 22-23, 2010 at Yonsei Univ., Wonju, Korea
"The 21st Century's Aspects of Applied Silicon Chemistry"
Symposium Chair: Myong Euy Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
Official Language
The official language of the Scientific Program is English. There will be no simultaneous translation during the Symposium.
Audio-Visual Equipment
Symposium hall will be equipped with the following:
- 1 large screen
- 1 projector
- 2 LCD monitors connected to the presentation projector
- 1 laptop computer for presenter
- 1 wireless microphone for presenter
- 1 laser pointer equipped wireless presenter
Symposium Publication
The Final Program and Book of Abstracts will be available upon arrival at the Symposium.
Name Badges
Symposium registrants are required to wear their name badge at all times during the symposium in order to gain entry to the scientific sessions, restaurant, and social activities.
On October 24 and 25, lunch will be served at main restaurant (Administration Bldg.) to all participants and accompanying persons.
Internet Access
WiFi access for your personal devices is possible in the International Cooperation Bldg. A guest password will be provided on-site.
Urgent Messages
Use e-mail address isasc@ksis.re.kr for sending urgent messages during the Symposium. Organizer will pass the messages to the designated participant.
KIST Campus Information